safefood for life

safefood for life is an e-learning food hygiene course for secondary school and youthreach students studying home economics or catering. It is made up of ten 45-minute lessons about food hygiene covering 9 topics from handling and preparing food to allergens and food hypersensitivity.
Module 1 – Food hygiene -why bother?
Introduces food hygiene and food poisoning. Explores the different types of microorganisms and where they are found.
Examines cross contamination including bacterial contamination. Explores sources of bacterial contamination and how they are introduced into the food chain.
Module 3 – Food delivery and storage
Covers the correct procedures for receiving, accepting and storage of food deliveries.
Module 4 – Food preparation cooking and service
Explores how to prevent contamination of food during preparation, cooking and service.
Examines the importance of personal hygiene and good personal hygiene practices in the workplace.
Module 6 – Design and layout of food premises
Examines the design and layout of food premises. Identities the role of enforcement officers in monitoring food.
Module 7 – Cleaning and pest control
Explores the benefits of systematic cleaning. Covers identifying and controlling food pests.
Module 8 – Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point
Covers the 7 principals of Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP).
Module 9 - Food hypersensitivity – food allergy, food intolerance and coeliac disease
Defines food allergy, food intolerance and coeliac disease. It outlines what role staff can play in managing food allergens in food production or catering business.
Lesson Plans
Lesson Plan 1 Part 1 - Food hygiene - why bother?
Discussion topics on food poisoning, benefits of good food hygiene and food workers and the law. Survey activity on food poisoning.
Lesson Plan 1 Part 2 – Food hygiene - why bother?
Discussion topic on how bacteria and virus get into our food. Class task on the causes of food poisoning. Homework task on physical contamination of food.
Lesson Plan 2 – Food contamination
Discussion topic on groups most susceptible to food poisoning. Class task on contamination of food with allergens and chemicals. Homework task on identifying contamination risks.
Lesson Plan 3 – Food delivery and storage
Discussion topic on food deliveries. Class activity on temperature checks. Homework activity on refrigerator storage.
Lesson Plan 4 – Food preparation cooking and service
Discussion on safe defrosting. Class activity on temperature danger zone. Homework task on freezing.
Lesson Plan 5 – Personal hygiene
Discussion topics on good personal hygiene and handwashing. Class and homework activities on handwashing.
Lesson Plan 6 - Design and layout of food premise
Discussion topic on designing a catering kitchen. Class task on evaluating design. Homework task on service requirement.
Lesson Plan 7 – Cleaning and pest control
Discussion topic on cleaning agents. Class activity on pest control. Homework research task on pest infestations.
Lesson Plan 8 – Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point
Discussion topic, class activity and homework task on Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP).
Lesson Plan 9 – Food allergies, food intolerance and coeliac disease
Discussion topic on allergic reactions. Class research activity on food allergies. Homework task on managing food allergies.
Online Exam
The safefood for life programme prepares students for an online exam to achieve a certificate in food hygiene endorsed by the Environmental Health Association of Ireland. The certificate is valid for five years. To register your school for the online exam please go to The cost of the online exam is 15 euro per student payable to The Environmental Health Association of Ireland.