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Special occasions

In a large childcare setting there will be regular birthday celebrations. We would encourage that services do not mark birthdays with sweets, crisps or fizzy drinks. Advise parents to keep sweet ‘treats’ for home celebrations.


  • Keep portion sizes small and bite-size.
  • Send leftovers home to the parents of the birthday boy/girl.
  • Explain to parents the “birthday occasion” policy for future reference.
  • If parents asks that their child is to get no cake or treats, have an alternative available such as yoghurt, fruit slices, etc.
  • Aim to focus on games and fun activities.
  • Healthy birthday cake recipe ideas are available in the HIP Hints and Tips pack (pages 48-52).

Other suggestions


  • Treasure hunt
  • PiƱata filled with confetti, toys and little sweets
  • Twister
  • Simon says
  • Dancing to music and when it stops, you freeze

For more game and activity ideas, check out pages 68-76 of the HIP Hints and Tipspack (PDF, 3.4MB)

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