Cereals and breads, potatoes, pasta and rice

Kids need more of these foods for energy and growth – that is why they are the biggest shelf on this pyramid.
These foods provide fibre and some B vitamins which are needed to convert food into energy. Offer at least one of these foods at every meal.
Young children should eat a variety of white and wholemeal bread to provide enough fibre. Wholegrain and wholemeal choices will provide extra fibre for children prone to constipation. Breakfast cereals fortified with iron (12mg/100g) are recommended most days especially for younger children.
How much should kids eat?
- 3 to 4 servings for 1–2 year olds
- 4 to 6 servings for 3-4 year olds
What is a portion?
- 30g flaked cereal, fortified with iron
- 1-1½ wheat biscuits
- ¾ slice of bread
- ½-1 small roll
- ½ pitta pocket or small wrap
- ½ chapatti
- 1-2 crackers
- 1 plain rice cake
- 1-2 unsalted breadsticks
- ½ potato, small sweet potato or yam
- ½ ( 30-40g) cup pasta, rice, noodles or couscous
Adjust these servings to suit your child.
Healthy eating tips
- Offer your child a breakfast cereal with added iron most days of the week.
- Limit the amount of sugar coated and chocolate coated cereals your child eats.
- Smaller younger children will eat less and taller older will eat more.
- More active children will also eat more. •
- Try lots of different varieties.
Check out the cereals shelf fact sheet