Social media

safefood's social media channels are used to help inform citizens about food safety and nutrition issues and to converse with citizens and other stakeholders.
As an all-island consumer agency, we're interested in hearing the views of others on our social media channels and want to answer your questions. However, we will remove any content we consider inappropriate or offensive.
All comments, images, videos and any other type of material posted by fans on our pages do not necessarily reflect the opinions or ideas of safefood or its employees and safefood is not responsible for any such content.
Occasionally, we will point you to useful resources from other organisations but third-party advertising or spam on safefood’s pages will be removed at our discretion.
safefood's office hours are Monday to Friday, 9.00am-5.00pm, and we always try to come back within 24 hours to answer your questions.
Sometimes it is not possible to answer all questions. For example, we don’t answer any questions of a medical nature. If you have medical concerns please contact your General Practitioner. safefood’s use of social media is guided by a comprehensive social media policy. If you have any issue with our social media content please contact us at [email protected]