Protected disclosure

Section 22 of the Protected Disclosure Act 2014 requires the publication of a report each year relating to the number of protected disclosures made in the preceding year and for the publication of information with regard to any actions taken in response to protected disclosures made.
Ceanglaítear le halt 22 den Acht um Nochtadh Cosanta, 2014, go bhfoilseofaí tuarascáil gach bliain maidir leis an líon nochtaí cosanta a rinneadh sa bhliain roimhe agus go bhfoilseofaí freisin faisnéis maidir le haon ghníomhartha a rinneadh i leith na nochtaí cosanta a rinneadh.
- In the reporting period up to 31 December 2023, no protected disclosures were received by safefood.
- Sa tréimhse tuairiscithe suas go dtí an 31 Nollaig 2023, ní bhfuair safefood aon nochtaí cosanta.
- In the reporting period up to 31 December 2022, no protected disclosures were received by safefood.
- Sa tréimhse tuairiscithe suas go dtí an 31 Nollaig 2022, ní bhfuair safefood aon nochtaí cosanta.