Healthy choices

Eating a wide variety of nourishing foods provides the energy and nutrients you need every day to stay healthy.
Foods from different food groups are required to achieve a balanced diet. Taste Buds Healthy Choices aims to help children understand that meals can have foods from different shelves of the Food Pyramid and how they can make healthier choices.
Start by playing the Healthy Lunches drag and drop interactive game. Watch the video to find out more about the different foods in sandwiches and wraps as well how easy it is to choose healthier options. You’ll find more facts about the Food Pyramid and the different types of foods in every day meals in the information sheet.
Lesson plan
This step-by-step lesson plan includes lesson objectives, learning outcomes, teacher's notes and a guide to the resources.
Get the Healthy Choices lesson plan
Information sheet - Meals and dishes
A variety of foods are required to achieve a balanced diet. This information sheet shows how meals we eat every day can contain foods from different shelves on the Food Pyramid.
Get the Meals and dishes information sheet
The Food Pyramid
The Food Pyramid poster provides the names of each shelf, shows examples of foods and drinks on each shelf and gives the number of daily servings.
The Healthy Lunchbox drag and drop interactive game asks the children to look at the food and drink in a lunchbox. The children replace the foods and drink with healthy alternatives.