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As an all-island body, safefood is fully committed to observing equality legislation on the island of Ireland, not only as our duty but as a natural expression of the safefood ethos. Our Equality Policy (PDF, 200KB) is designed to reflect best practice on the island of Ireland while reflecting our legal obligations as required by the different jurisdictional legislation.

Our Revised Equality Scheme (as required by S75 of the Northern Ireland Act 1998) details how we propose to fulfill our obligations and actively promote equal opportunities and good relations in our dealings with other parties and individuals in Northern Ireland.

The Audit of Inequalities and S75 Action Plan (as required by the Scheme) enhances the effective implementation of our duties.


safefood, like all public authorities in Northern Ireland, is required to report annually to the Equality Commission for Northern Ireland on the progress made towards implementing its statutory duties. These are public documents which have been prepared by safefood using the Equality Commission’s template.

The latest report is available to download below. Previous reports are available on request.

Section 75 Progress Report 2022-2023

If you require any further information regarding equality, please contact:

HR Executive
7 Eastgate Avenue
Little Island
Co Cork
T45 RX01

Tel: +353 (0)21 2304104
Fax: +353 (0)21 2304111
Text Phone: +353 (0)86 6016002
Email: [email protected]

We would welcome any comments on any aspects of our equality policy and scheme. safefood will make all reports available in large print and Irish on request and will consider requests for other formats or translation into other languages.

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