Why we need to talk about food poverty
This article by Joana Da Silva, safefood's Chief Specialist in Nutrition, was recently published in the Irish Examiner newspaper. Joana describes our recent research into the cost of healthy food, and the challenges faced by people on a low income in affording a healthy diet.
Taking time out during the holidays is really important for our health and well-being. It’s a time to re-charge and relax. As we let go of our usual routines, it can be challenging to keep up healthy eating habits. So safefood’s Rebecca Beattie has put together some tips to help us all stay healthy while enjoying our holidays, whatever we get up to.
There is nothing quite like the smell of a barbecue to feel those summer vibes. Keep it healthy with these tips from Emma McCarley.
During the summer, we may feel thirsty quicker and more frequently than usual, so it’s important to stay hydrated.
Gut feeling - how food affects your mood
Does what we eat affect how we feel? Sally Griffin looks at the evidence.
Plant-based sources of protein
Protein is important for building and repairing muscles and for our immune system. For this reason we all need it in our diets, not just aspiring body builders! safefood research fellow, Sally Griffin, tells us more about the different sources of protein.
Most of us eat too much salt, but it's easy to cut down if your meals are packed with flavour, says safefood placement student, Emma McCarley.
Staying healthy at home – advice for students
safefood placement student, Emma McCarley, has some tips on how to stay healthy while studying from home.
5 ways to a healthier new year
Anne Parle from our nutrition team gives us her tips for a healthy and happy new year.
Will vitamin supplements boost my immune system?
If you’re wondering whether vitamin supplements strengthen your immune system, our nutritionist Marian O'Reilly has some advice.
Showing 21-30 of 42 blogs